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Publisher's event

The 'Unnatural Encounters' event took place in London on the 1st of October 2022. The six-hour program comprised of nine readings and stage performances, three film screenings and six art displays. The event also became an occasion for a double book launch welcoming to the world 'DES: The Theatre of Death' by Martin Bladh, and 'The Songs of Maldoror' by Le Comte de Lautréamont.  The following videos capture all contributions in their entirety apart from the film of Michael Salerno, the second slideshow by Jukka Siikala and the film by Devin Horan which were presented here as excerpts. 


Infinity Land Press would like to thank Steve Finbow, Audrey Szasz, Jukka Siikala and Tiger Liu for their immense help during the event's set-up and de-rig, James McArthur and the volunteers for their technical support, Tommo and Ola for capturing the night, and most of all, we'd like to thank our guests for their enthusiasm and company during the evening of unnatural encounters.​



footage by

photographs by

montage & soundtrack by K. U. Urbaniak 

event sound engineer  James McArthur





This recording includes an introduction and the movie trailer


RJ Dent reading from his translation of 'The Songs of Maldoror'

Backdrop & soundtrack by Karolina Urbaniak


Steve Finbow's presentation of his upcoming book 'Life of the Artist'


Audrey Szasz reading from her book 'Destroy Everything you Touch'


Martin Bladh performing 'DES: Play'


Thomas Moore


Thomas Moore


Thomas Moore


Philip Best


The clip and our YouTube channel were permanently removed after we posted it online...



Jack Sargeant



Hulson & Curran


3 minutes video excerpt

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