Horror of Life – The Suicide Letters of Charles Baudelaire
Rubber Anne by Audrey Szasz
Rubber Anne Book Launch
Grave Desire
Death Mort Tod - A European Book of the Dead
The New Revelations of Being & Other Mystical Writings by Antonin Artaud
The Practitioner by Michael Carter
The House of the Dead by Jeremy Reed
Death Poems by Jacques Prevel
Polaroid / Haiku
Ecstatic Nausea by Jukka Siikala
Sacra by Sean M. Huber
Plan for the Abduction of J.G. Ballard by Jeremy Reed & Audrey Szasz
The True Story of Jesus-Christ
Obliteration of the World
DES: The Theatre of Death by Martin Bladh
The Songs of Maldoror
Destroy Everything You Touch by Audrey Szasz
Unnatural Encounters - Publisher's Event
A Sinister Assassin
GONE Scrapbook 1980 - 1982 by Dennis Cooper
The Worm by NEW JUCHE
Tears of a Komsomol Girl
The Torture of the 100 Pieces
Mutations by Gary J. Shipley & Devin Horan
Cicatrization by S. M. H
in dim forgotte(n) by Michael Mc Aloran
Succubations and Incubations
Heliogabalus or, the Crowned Anarchist
Artaud 1937 Apocalypse - Letters from Ireland by Antonin Artaud
On The New Revelations of Being
Philip Best - Alien Existence
Artaud & Sound: To Have Done with the Judgement of God
Three Nails, Four Wounds by Hector Meinhof
Thatcher's Tomb by Stephen Barber
in dim forgotte(n) + Cicatrization
Set of three
Antonin Artaud Collection
Darkleaks - The Ripper Genome by Jeremy Reed & Martin Bladh
Altered Balance - A Tribute to Coil by J. Reed & K. Urbaniak
Childhood by Michael Salerno
No Breath of Sound by Karolina Urbaniak & Martin Bladh
The Void Ratio by Shane Levene & Karolina Urbaniak
To Putrefaction by Martin Bladh & Karolina Urbaniak