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(Shipping 22nd May 2024)


Text by Steve Finbow

Images by Karolina Urbaniak

Foreword by Eugene Thacker

Afterword by Brad Feuerhelm


Collaborationists Steve Finbow and Karolina Urbaniak's Death Mort Tod uses fiction, non-fiction, appropriation, cut-ups, and a series of over fifty unsettling illustrations to tour the dark sites of Europe with its millennia of genocides, mass murders, serial killings and suicides. A country-to-country death trip, a necro-travel guide, a Baedeker of bereavement, incorporating myth, folklore, maps, reportage, photographs, recordings, illustrations and poetry. Discover a continent’s thanatic history within a textual and visual reliquary – A European Book of the Dead.


''Death Mort Tod is a beautiful, haunting, moving and unsettling seance of texts and images, sometimes whispering, sometimes screaming, but always, already, never more urgent and necessary than now, Now, NOW.''

David Peace

Death Mort Tod - A European Book of the Dead

  • 2nd Edition, 10th May 2024 (Shipping 22nd May 2024)

    Hardbound, 120 pages, 51 illustrations

    210 x 280mm

    1st Edition, 18th December 2018

    ISBN 978-0-9927366-9-9

    Softbound with flaps

    120 pages, 51 illustrations

    210 x 256mm



  • Steve Finbow’s non-fiction includes Allen Ginsberg: Critical Lives (Reaktion), Notes from the Sick Room (Repeater), Death Mort Tod (Infinity Land Press), The Mindshaft (Amphetamine Sulphate), Polaroid Haiku – with Jukka Siikala (Infinity Land Press), The Life of the Artist Niccolò di Mescolano (Alberegno Press). Sanbashi – a biography of the postwar Japanese photographer Toru Nakagami – will be published in 2024.


    Karolina Urbaniak is a multimedia artist and co-founder of Infinity Land Press. Urbaniak’s published works include To Putrefaction, Altered Balance − A Tribute to Coil, The Void Ratio, Death Mort Tod, The Torture of the 100 Pieces, The Songs of Maldoror and Death Poems among others. She lives and works in London.

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