in dim forgotte(n)
by Michael Mc Aloran

in dim forgotte(n) is a post-Beckettian, hallucinogenic, surreal passage through absenteeism, dislocation, memory & estrangement. The book also deals with language as a malleable substance, which is warped & fragmented throughout the course of the body of texts. Meaning is not absolute, images of endworld landscapes drive the main body of the book, which is a darkened, claustrophobic & violent procession of segments concluding with a series of abstract & poetic aphorisms. ‘child’, in the first instance, a continual motif throughout, vaguely categorised, awakens to a psychiatric, heavily medicated shifting parameter of scenes of existential abandon & the echoes of foreign, lost entities. Furthering on from this is the associative, non-narrative passage of fractured, psychosial visions, where descriptions of bleak, hopeless scenes of futility & corporeal imagery meld & transpire. There is a pulse of force & vitality throughout, emboldering an embrace of a submerged, ‘exhilarated despair’, at the edge of where the rational breaks down & perhaps, reveals a more denuded sense of what may be, & ‘what it is’…
Illustrated by Martin Bladh
Interview with the author conducted by Martin Bladh
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About the author
Michael Mc Aloran
Michael Mc Aloran was born in Belfast, (1976). His work has appeared in numerous zines, magazines & anthologies. He is the author of a number of collections of poetry, prose poetry, aphorisms and prose, most notably Attributes, (Desperanto, NY, 2011), The Non Herein & Of Dead Silences (Lapwing Publications, 2011/ 2013), All Stepped/ Undone, Of the Nothing Of, The Zero Eye, The Bled Sun, In Damage Seasons,(Oneiros Books (U.K)--2013/ 14); Code #4 Texts, a collaboration with the Dutch poet, Aad de Gids, was also published in 2014 by Oneiros. Un-Sight/ Un-Sound (delirium X.), was published by gnOme books (U.S), along with The Banality of Else, (withdrawn) & EchoNone was published by Oneiros Books. In 2017, Editions du Cygne published longshadowfall. catascope was released in 2018, also by Editions du Cygne, with further books, the black vault, all null having, nowhereon, cold zero reflect by VoidFront Press (U.S), in 2018. In 2019, Veer Books released Till Claimed, a chapbook of experimental poetry & also saw the release of (dead tones) by Black Editions. He also paints & is currently working on a series of experimental prose poetics. He lives & breathes in Co. Clare…